Much is said about asbestos contamination in Chile, you would think that is a problem solved , because by law , the use of this mineral in Chile was banned in 2001 . However, given its characteristics , aspects of the legislation that escaped the knowledge, skill and vision of the politicians who drafted it . The story will take to determine whether these omissions were accidental or intentional selfishly .
To begin the analysis must esepcificar that asbestos is a mineral and is microscopic in size of very fine fibers , which are accumulated in the form of powder for industrial use , it is indestructible and is used , among other uses , especially to protect extreme temperatures due to its high strength qualities , as well as for the manufacture of products for housing , especially as corrugated and smooth slaty , present in more than one million social housing in Chile and, indeed , much more in Latin America .
The company began using asbestos Pizarreño massively in the 1930s. Pizarreño Etex belongs to the Belgian group , who receive technical directives and trade for the purposes of methodologies and production goals.
Back in the 40s , it was found that asbestos character produced serious lung problems . In the '70s , the medical evidence possible to argue that the relationship between asbestos and pleural mesothelioma (a type normally serious and deadly form of cancer to the pleura of the lung) , was quite straightforward . Exposure to asbestos , therefore , by the industrial workers and their families of asbestos-cement ( exposed through worker's clothes or living in the vicinity of the production processes employing asbestos ) was a direct passport and mass death.
However, the asbestos industry was very clever and managed to postpone the promulgation of laws prohibiting their usoen the world . Only in the 90s came to passing laws prohibiting it in Europe and the United States, after establishing thousands of deaths from this cause.
In the U.S., companies producing asbestos and used it in their processes fell into bankruptcy , as were sued by their workers massively or representatives of the victims, those who continue to die until today .
Why are people still dying if the asbestos is no longer used ? Recall that asbestos is a fiber of indestructibility , therefore still present in the environment it was spread as a result of the production processes used it carelessly and until today still remains in the people who inhaled by having worked in these processes were contaminated or otherwise, especially the families of the workers.
Asbestos, and just one of the mineral fiber that has been inhaled by people and not many years removed remains circulating in the body , and finally deposited in the lung pleura and cause (up to 40 years , inclusive) pleural mesothelioma death a slow and cruel death .
In Chile, newly enacted a law banning asbestos in 2001 , but not made by victims past, present and future and in the stubborn facts, scandalously protected and Mutual Pizarreño .
This special feature of asbestos , known well in advance by the company and the Belgian group Pizarreño Etex , was what took in his dark bet , which was the generous complicity of two actors : Security Mutual and time.
Indeed , while Pizarreño bet , knowing that disaster was causing to its workers and their families (as well as the surrounding community ) , would become evident only many years later ( but during that time accumulated mountains of money thanks to the life of their own workers ) , which has already begun to happen in a while. Over 400 workers of the company Pizarreño , in the commune of Maipú in Santiago , and in the municipality of San Pedro Concepcion ( where for many years it was a subsidiary of Pizarreño ) and family, have died in the past 20 years , mostly lung cancer , all associated with pleural mesothelioma .
A lot of Chileans today are also at risk of contracting mesothelioma pleural , for in their homes remain flat or corrugated plates of slaty containing asbestos and are very old . Anytime a child or an elderly may be exposed to contamination that indestructible asbestos was manufactured product to be released into the environment for any reason . This danger is real and potentially affects hundreds of thousands of people in our country.
But Pizarreño not act alone in these massive crimes and cruel. Had to do with the complicity of the Mutual Security of the Chilean Chamber of Construction, as this body was established to monitor and verify if workers knew the danger risked , recommend security alert regarding cases that were happening and none of it did. On the contrary , even to this day , the Mutual has hidden the evidence of their crimes , has provided misleading diagnoses to relatives of the victims themselves and there are medical professionals who have paid for these dark purposes .
Until today Pizarreño has protection authorities and politicians and even influences strongly the media so that the voices have warned about this genocide are not published in the newspapers .
When a body or a country organized a massacre of an ethnic or social group and systematically makes configures the Crime of Genocide . When does a company , then it is one that has an industrial character . In the U.S. and in Europe those responsible have paid with their property and jail ( if Monferrato in Italy , the most current ) .
In Chile are all background in justice for over 10 years and still not a single verdict that speaks of reparations to victims and their families. Mutual Pizarreño and did a good bet , but they forgot that all these victims left children and grandchildren who today seek that elusive justice, they are willing to find in Chile or internationally. We are not alone , it's a matter of time , who now plays for the victims and their families. Mutual Pizarreño and they know it. Its time to face justice approaches .
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